Thursday, February 12, 2009

Power Steering

Age: 29 weeks
Weight: 81 pounds

We haven't really mentioned on here the difficulty we've had trying to get Piston to walk in a heel - but those on the Shiloh Forums or those who talk to us regularly have heard about it.  He is independent and has a lot of drive to go explore.  He wouldn't take treats or a toy either. No interest in them compared to all the fun he "could" be having.

It was difficult when we go out to keep his focus - he was too busy with his nose to the ground or watching everything else to get any guidance from us. He is never nervous about anything, he just thinks he is a kid in a candy store, or at Disney World!!  We would try "loose leash walking", but he was always walking too far ahead and would take up all of the slack in the leash. He just was not getting where he was supposed to be.

Several other Shiloh owners on the forums told us to buy a prong collar. It was Sarah who said it was like power steering with her Nero. I had heard her talk about the wonders of the prong before...but to hear from other owners too was a great sign.

So we did it....we bought a prong collar....and you know what....THEY WERE RIGHT!!!

What a difference! He actually pays attention to the guides and corrections. He notices when he is getting near the end of the lead and he slows down a touch to prevent the collar from tightening! Its wonderful!! He has a really high pain tolerance so most corrections don't even phase him, but this seems to work on a different level. Its not pain, its more of a surprise because its different. The prong now gets his attention without having to yank him first! (The martingale collar we were using before just didn't phase him.)

We still aren't in a good heel position, but we are worlds better! This collar has really helped give us hope for gettin Piston to walk politely all the time!


Mack Daddy said...

I found your chart on age and weight very helpful. I have a White Shiloh mail named Fen. he just turned 13 weeks old and weighs 28.5 Lb. I thought that he might be under weight but I see that it is normal for a Shiloh his age. Thank you

Margaret B said...

Thanks "M"! I'm glad you found it useful! Congrats on your Shiloh Puppy! Sounds like he is a good heathly weight. Honestly, it's better for them to stay lean - helps to reduce the stress on their joints as they grow soo quickly! Enjoy your puppy!